An API (Application Programming Interface) is a source code based application combined with software components and are meant to be use for communication purpose. API provides you best solutions and with API you would be able to get a professional, customer responsive approach which is cost effective and practical. Buy API today and solve your most complicated issues.​

Global Research

An API (Application Programming Interface) is a source code based application combined with software components and are meant to be use for communication purpose. API provides you best solutions and with API you would be able to get a professional, customer responsive approach which is cost effective and practical. Buy API today and solve your most complicated issues.​

Real Time API

ABTXT.COM has upgraded its API to include real-time streaming. It’s a new trend on API, Its just like a move from pull to push. In case data gets changes out of my app, it will let me know inside of my app. We provide you simple set of APIs which will allow you to build rich real time features in hours rather than days.​

Your Own Sender ID

You can set the sender ID of your choice by adding it in your account and once approved you can use it to send SMS. Alphanumeric Sender ID are allowed only if you submit relevant supporting documents(Trademark, brand, registration, company registration) and undertaking on your letterhead. Sender ID is a combination of numeric and alpha or only alpha characters (0-9, a-z, A-Z, _). It's dynamically setup by the user. Maximum length of alphanumeric SMS Sender ID is 11 characters. Due to regulatory issues, some countries are limited to 8 characters.​

Buy Kewords

If you are running a business, its best option for you, because this feature allows you to purchase a SMS keyword and because of it you can do mobile advertising, promotion, SMS advertising, promotion at very low cost. Its an excellent way to increase your brand awareness. Key words help you to promote your business in a very cost effective manner.​

Buy SMS Credits

ABTXT.COM produce best service for you and offer you real high priority ” Buy SMS Credits” service which allow you to purchase credits and you will be able to send Messages in all over the world. Each credit will let you send one text message. A Small per SMS cost is all that which you will pay to purchase SMS credits. It’s our promise that there is no Hidden Charges for Software, Setup, API or Sender ID.​

Delivery Report

Why it’s so important to know about SMS delivery report? It’s very useful feature for you because you really wish to know that either your message reaches its required destination or not and after making it sure you have peace of mind. It’s very important in business also when your customer claim to you that they didn’t receive information what you have sent. So in such type of situations Delivery report is a proof and evidence for you. This feature informs you that message has been received.​

Buy Senter ID

Sender ID is also known as Originating Address. It could be a number or name that is displayed on the recipient’s mobile phone because Sender ID would be your identity on recipient’s mobile phone. If you want to promote your brands and want to send messages to your customers by using your own brand name, Sender ID is best for you for this purpose.​

Dynamic Sender ID

ABTXT.COM provide dynamic sender id controls whereby the originator of the SMS can be identified in either alpha or numeric characters to a set value. The recipient of the message then can clearly define its validity, promoting effective utilization of SMS as a method of communication and marketing. Sender ID, also known as Originating Address (OA), is the number or name that is displayed on the recipient's mobile phone when a SMS is received.​


Unicode allow you to use any language on your computer in all over the world. So by having this feature you wouldn’t face any problem related to language and you may have access on any language within a matter of seconds.​

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